Thursday, March 4, 2010

My chicken is more beautiful than your chicken 
and when it dies I shall make a jacket of its feathers 
and be a Queen.


This picture doesn't do it (the rooster actually) justice, jump over to the (large bird) gallery and see how nice those feathers really are.

The red cap and surprising silver shoes make a daring fashion statement.

In this new world of urban refugees and dyspeptic consumers, we are voting with our conscience and our forks for local, homemade and non-industrial food.  My sense is that many more people are keeping chickens these days. 
Towns are struggling with zoning and we talk about chickens a lot and, of course, there is a lot to say.

Note: there is an article in Slate
claiming the movement isn't real but a media-myth. 
Whereas the Guardian in UK presents a more convincing argument and a friendly tone using data from breeders, chicken rescue calls, and equipment sales 

Meanwhile, not to make too much out of the patterns of my cohort, but when friends in Boston, LA, San Fran, and of course, Vermont, are all comparing chickens  chicken accoutrement, and cute chicken stories then it's a trend.

Seriously now, eggs aside, wouldn't that make a gorgeous jacket? I am planning an eccentric and eye-catching wardrobe with accessories for my older years and this caught my fancy.

Fashion advice or chicken stories welcome here.

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