Friday, March 25, 2011

Gallery opening-- Natalya McDonnell animals (horses) viewed from the heart

Thanks to all who contributed their vote in the T-shirt contest. T-shirt #1 "I don't need another horse, I don't need another horse..." was the winner. However, if you look at the comments you will see that everyone seems to be voting that she actually, in time, get another horse and suggested ways to amend the T-shirt to reflect this.  Such clowns we have as friends really.
As promised we welcome you to opening of the Natalya McDonnell Photography gallery called Animals (especially horses) viewed from the heart. We did add in a few of her wonderful bird pictures and there is a series with the pet rats and toy horses -- they are trying to foment revolution -- that is very funny.
Here is is as a slide show. At any point you can go directly to the gallery or look at any of the pictures more closely.
Thanks for all the wonderful blessings to this young girl coming of age-- our council of wise women and honorary women showered us with poetry, advice, humor and soulful ideas.

The proud mother

Natalya - Life (Horses) viewed from the Heart

If you want to go directly to the gallery click on the slide show and it will take you there.

1 comment:

Paul Woods said...

Hi Sharon
Congratulations to Natalya!  Her gallery is very entertaining.  She obviously got an artistic gene that I am homozygously lacking.  I remember well her toy horses at the back of the class in MML.  It's neat seeing how she has used them (and obviously a lot more) in some of those images where she has used perspective to insert them in to fields and meadows of northern VT.  I get the symbolism.  I have to admit I was giggling wondering if the rats were thinking "Oh crap, we're surrounded."
Horses are well.  We gave away one of our two foals from last year.  He got septic at 8 hours and we shipped him to the Twin Cities to an equine ICU.  $5000 later he was ok.....  Later he developed selenium deficiency and again failed to thrive.  Adding to his apparent failure to thrive, his auntie-one day older-is huge and gorgeous, most people say she's the best Friesian born on the continent last year.  So Reekie (the colt) was up for sale for $7K as he is not her quality, and I was getting people calling who clearly wanted to buy him and then try to re-sell him.  I couldn't do that to the little guy, so with my usual business acumen gave him to the couple who saved his life.  They'll never sell him.
I'm breeding two mares again this year.  My prize mare Wieke hasn't had a foal for five years.  This stallion moved back to North America this year, he's my dream for a sire for a foal .
Career wise, it's been interesting. 
It's hard not to look at Natalya's images and think that northern VT would be about the most gorgeous place on the rock to have a horse farm.