Monday, January 25, 2010


Dancing into remember
swirling and circling closer
back to here and 
re-connected (re-membered) to my body and its parts
Ah.. here are my arms
and, my body moves, again, heart first.

Thanks to Loveleen Kaur Nijjar for connecting the picture (artist unknown) 
and the inspiration for the poem


kmjrose said...

I like the circularity of the poem--it works so well with the photo. Particualrly "into remember" there is so much there. Thanks fo posting it!

Unknown said...

Thanks your comments are highly appreciated. I have been surprised that some knowing can forgotten and it seems obscene. Worse re-membering or rem-inding can seem distant and difficult. Weird.

Meg said...

The swirling I love--just read and taught a novel about trauma and memory, then read this poem, and I'm suddenly noticing that the way the mind circles around a traumatic memory might not be about inability to face something, or some other lack or disability. It might be a dance. The phrase "Dancing into remember" is great.